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The only chance the Republican Party has at being “Grand” again and lose the cross they bear. Is to denounce those teaching of Christianity and Islam as a basis for civil law.

I respect the right to worship. and if someone feels i am an abomination because of my gender or sexuality based on their belief, that is fine too. BUT, when that someone wants to make that belief a law, that will affect my life. that is when their religion become unacceptable.

A person with strong moral values based on a belief in their religious dogma. Would not be able to set aside those convictions, to their faith, when making rules of law. But, that is the whole point they are in political offices. That is the reason they ran for political office, to change the morals of the american people. By changing laws.

The Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right. It played a key role in the mobilization of Christians as a political force and in Republican presidential and local victories throughout the 1980's. It was founded in 1979 and dissolved in the late 1980s. But, still exist in different names. Christian Coalition and Evangelical Right. Same as Islamic terrorist, now they are ISIS. They both want the same thing. To force their belief in right and wrong on us, no matter how archaic or barbaric.

The only chance the Republican Party has at being “Grand” again and loose the cross they bear. Is

to denounce those teaching of christianity and islam as a basis for civil law. As a nation we need to be aware. If we keep electing people with strong convictions in their faith or the pander to such group for election. Our laws will be reflective of their religious beliefs. It does not matter the party affiliation. The Republican Party has the worst infestation. But, it was Bill Clinton that strengthened their power, with the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. More Pandering.

As a civilized society do not need a mythological being to tell us how to behave. A civilized society knows rape, murder, pedophilia, and theft are wrong. They also know that it is bigotry and hatred, to dislike someone based on their looks.

I am an atheist and I vote. I agree we need and outsider and non politician in Washington. The biggest reason I cant back Donald Trump is the ties of his party to the christian right.

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