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The GOP has not realized it yet but their party is dead. Gone the way of the Whigs and the Federalist parties. They are losing corporate support, with larger companies leaving the US, the closed minded religious right being their largest support base.

The majority of registered republicans, in my opinion, are disgruntled and come from the working middle class, that have mostly come from the democratic party. Because they are tired of the way Washington has be running things in regards to the economy, equality, and immigration. But, they are no longer the party of the wealthy, they have deserted them and america. They are barely a party at all. They may still be called republicans but they are no longer the Grand Old Party. Transforming into the party of the angry or maybe the New Republican, or with Trump in mind the Better Whig Party.

Lets face it Donald Trump may be running for the Republican party nomination, but he is not a Republican. He has given heavily to both side of the isle. At least we know he can be bipartisan, you could say he is an independent. But i think, opportunist fits better. You could say the same about Bernie Sanders too. Only Sanders supports are not as angry. But, tired to the past practices and deceptive ways of Washington good old boys organization, with Hillary definitely being one of those boys.

Wonder if there could be a four person race in the general election. Trump on his own dime, whomever the GOP selects, Hillary, and Sander on an independent ticket. Guess we would find out just why the Electoral College is in place.

You vote, but then what? Discover how your individual vote contributes to the popular vote and your state's electoral vote in different ways--and see how votes are counted on both state and national levels.

Electoral College - a body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president. The body of electors chosen or appointed by a larger group. When voters go to the polls in a Presidential election, they actually are voting for the slate of electors vowing to cast their ballots for that ticket in the Electoral College. Kinda sounds like the confusion of the elections in the primaries.

Think of it as American Idol. Your are voting so the big dogs no who has a better chance of winning. But different than Idol the Big Dog can choose someone else, no matter who the public picks. This seasons presidential race promises to be entertaining and shocking. It will make your blood pressure rise and keep you on the edge of your seat.

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