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Ineptocracy vs. Thugocracy

Finally someone has coined the word to describe the current governmental structure and those who voted for and continue to support it.

The word is… Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with

goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

The proof is in the pudding, 49% of people in the US do not pay income tax.

I WANT TO BE ONE OF THEM. HOW ABOUT YOU? LETS SEE IF WE CAN’T MAKE IT 99%. We’ll need at least 10% to supply the revenue, no wait no tax money, there’d be no revenue, or food, or energy either.

I’d never heard the word ineptocracy. Near as I can tell, it’s been around the ’Net for about 10 years, origins unknown. But only last fall did it acquire that detailed definition and start making the online dictionaries.

But let’s not make this all about The Obama Administration. He’s just continuing in the grand tradition of his predecessor’s,

Ya know, Twenty Five years ago we had Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Now we have No Cash and No Hope.

Another word being linked too Ineptocracy, according to Merriam Webster is Thugocracy.

Thugocracy (thug-oc’ra-cy) noun. a system of government that follows no constitutional principles, propped up by union thugs, who

make manufactured and transported goods more expensive, leading to a Socialist and/or Marxist takeover of a nation using force or the threat of force.

Ineptocracy would be more definitive of The occupy protesters. Where Our Government would fall into the category of a Thugocracy, the strong arm of the wealthy.


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